“Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.” Catholic schools have an irreplaceable role in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Building on the central goal of Catholic schools to form saints, Catholic schools teach and embrace the whole person, body, mind and spirit. The fact that all members of a Catholic school community share the Christian vision of faith that Christ is the foundation of Catholic education is what unites the school as a faith-filled community.
Annunciation Elementary School
Corpus Christi /Holy Rosary Elementary School
Immaculate Conception Elementary School
Immaculate Heart of Mary Elementary School
John Cardinal O'Connor School (JCOS) - Spec. Ed.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Elementary School
Our Lady of Sorrows Elementary School
Resurrection Elementary School
Sacred Heart Elementary School
St. Patrick School, Yorktown Heights
Sts. John and Paul Elementary School
Local High Schools: (click school for additional info)
Academy of Mount St. Ursula High School (Girls)
Archbishop Stepinac High School (Boys)
Fordham Preparatory School (Boys)
Iona Preparatory High School (Boys)
John F. Kennedy Catholic Preparatory School
Maria Regina High School (Girls)
Mount St. Michael Academy High School (Boys)
St. Catharine Academy High School (Girls)