Soup Kitchen Thanks- Last weekend 10 parishioners from Holy Name volunteered to help out at the Sunday Soup Kitchen at St Bart's Church in White Plains.
Thanks so much to all who helped! Our "head chef" Anna and her sister Christina, plus helper Sebastian, made a hot meal consisting of barbeque chicken legs and thighs, roasted potatoes, carrots, and coleslaw, plus cookies for dessert. The 50 or so folks at the meal greatly enjoyed it all! They also were happy to be given "take away" bags for another meal later in the day.
Thanks Chef Anna, Christina, and Sebastian for all your hard work in planning, shopping, and cooking the meal, plus transporting it nice and hot! Thanks also to our other HNJ volunteers who helped to serve the meal and clean up- Chris, Christine, Alex and Sam Ronco, Emil D'Onfrio, and Margot Ronin. The few leftovers at the end of the meal were donated to the Men's Open Arms Shelter in White Plains.
St Matthew- "Then the righteous will say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you....The Lord replied, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me".